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[Mac] jupyter 단축키 모음

밀래 2020. 2. 26. 16:18

요즘 Jupyter를 제대로 활용하기 위해 단축키를 익히고 있습니다.

단축키를 활용하면 생산성이 향상됩니다.

아래 단축키 정리를 확인하시고 생산성을 올려보세요!!

1. Jupter Notebook 단축키 확인하기

Jupyter Notebook 내에서 단축키 확인할 수 있습니다.

단축키 모음 확인은 H를 누르시면 아래 화면을 확인할 수 있습니다.




2. Jupter Notebook 단축키 목록

단축키 목록을 확인하세요.

Command Mode (press Esc to enable)Edit Shortcuts


F: find and replace

: enter edit mode

⌘⇧F: open the command palette

⌘⇧P: open the command palette

P: open the command palette

⇧↩: run cell, select below

⌃↩: run selected cells

⌥↩: run cell and insert below

Y: change cell to code

M: change cell to markdown

R: change cell to raw

1: change cell to heading 1

2: change cell to heading 2

3: change cell to heading 3

4: change cell to heading 4

5: change cell to heading 5

6: change cell to heading 6

K: select cell above

: select cell above

: select cell below

J: select cell below

⇧K: extend selected cells above

⇧↑: extend selected cells above

⇧↓: extend selected cells below

⇧J: extend selected cells below

A: insert cell above

B: insert cell below

X: cut selected cells

C: copy selected cells

⇧V: paste cells above

V: paste cells below

Z: undo cell deletion

D,D: delete selected cells

⇧M: merge selected cells, or current cell with cell below if only one cell is selected

⌘S: Save and Checkpoint

S: Save and Checkpoint

L: toggle line numbers

O: toggle output of selected cells

⇧O: toggle output scrolling of selected cells

H: show keyboard shortcuts

I,I: interrupt the kernel

0,0: restart the kernel (with dialog)

Esc: close the pager

Q: close the pager

⇧L: toggles line numbers in all cells, and persist the setting

⇧␣: scroll notebook up

: scroll notebook down



Edit Mode (press Enter to enable)

: code completion or indent

⇧⇥: tooltip

⌘]: indent

⌘[: dedent

⌘A: select all

⌘Z: undo

⌘/: comment

⌘D: delete whole line

⌘U: undo selection

Insert: toggle overwrite flag

⌘↑: go to cell start

⌘↓: go to cell end

⌥←: go one word left

⌥→: go one word right

⌥⌫: delete word before

⌥⌦: delete word after

⌘⇧Z: redo

⌘⇧U: redo selection

⌃K: emacs-style line kill

⌘⌫: delete line left of cursor

⌘⌦: delete line right of cursor

⌃M: enter command mode

Esc: enter command mode

⌘⇧F: open the command palette

⌘⇧P: open the command palette

⇧↩: run cell, select below

⌃↩: run selected cells

⌥↩: run cell and insert below

⌃⇧Minus: split cell at cursor

⌘S: Save and Checkpoint

: move cursor down

: move cursor up
